According to Techpublic, more than 86 percent of the companies are currently conducting video interviews. So, don’t be surprised if you get an invitation to the job interview via Zoom or Teams. That’s where our video interview tips might come in handy!
Ontario’s food processing sector is the third-largest in North America, and there are currently more than 50 thousand jobs available for students, recent graduates, new immigrants, and young professionals. If you want to start a career in the food and beverage industry, you have a lot of options to choose from. When you’ve found a position that interests you, you should start preparing for your interview with a recruiter.
Let’s look at some useful tips for preparing for the virtual chat, acing the interview, and following up to show your interest in the position.
Video Interview Preparation Tips
“You’re on mute”, “My WIFI is not working” (and your mom is vacuuming in the background) … Instead of login into the meeting room at 12.29 pm (when the meeting starts at 12.30 pm), CareersinFood recommends login in early, check technology and understand how the software works. It will help you make sure nothing unexpected happens, and you look as professional online as you would in person!
You’ve done all of your interview prep work, but you’re still nervous about talking to a recruiter. Read CareersinFood article on how to de-stress before an interview.
What to Wear to a Video Interview?

Rule #1 – Always have a video on during the virtual job interview. With a video should come a proper outfit. What you wear is a reflection of your unique personality. If you want to be seen as a credible and reliable person, show it in your appearance.
The outfit will differ from one interview to the next, depending on the job. For example, if you have a job interview for a Production Supervisor position at Maple Leaf Foods, you might want to avoid wearing a T-shirt or headwear. Indeed believes that adding a pop of colour to your overall outfit is a great way to stand out against neutral backgrounds and not blend in.
Video Interview Questions to Expect During the Pandemic and What to Ask Employers
While you can expect questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why you are interested in this job” (of course, you have prepared answers for those), you may also be asked some pandemic-related questions.
Questions like “How do you organize your day when working from home?” and “Will you be okay returning to a physical office when it’s safe?” are very important to answer. Also, don’t forget to prepare the questions that you are going to ask the employer. FlexJobs has covered you on that end as well.
Don’t Leave a Video Interview Without Doing These Five Things
Before you click the “Leave the meeting” button, there are a few things you should do. Review the checklist Monster has prepared. The article provides guidance on how to close the interview and position yourself for a job offer. The first and last impressions (and words) are the most memorable. Monster recommends restating your interest in the position and summarizing why you’re the best candidate for the job.
Employers in the food and beverage industry notice when you make an effort to prepare for the virtual interview. It is crucial not only to be enthusiastic about the job, but also to be able to communicate that passion during the video interview. That’s where all of these tips come in handy.
Sign up for the CareersNOW! to stay up to date on mentorship opportunities, career fairs, and access to resources and advice from industry insiders. Our Job hunting tips: Be proactive and get a job in the food industry has more tips on how to land a job in the food industry.
While you can expect questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why you are interested in this job” (of course, you have prepared answers for those), you may also be asked some pandemic-related questions.