Making Access to Qualified Jobseekers and Skilled Students Easy

CareersNOW! is Food and Beverage Ontario’s flagship workforce development initiative for Ontario’s food and beverage processors. As a growing industry — that is also the largest manufacturing sector employer in the province — it can be challenging to recruit and retain qualified people.

Hire A Post-Secondary Student and Access Wage Subsidies 

Interested in introducing young talent to your business? College and university students bring their enthusiasm and their specific skills sets to your operation for one, or multiple, co-op or internship semesters. As a hiring employer, your company is also eligible to receive up to $7,000 in wage subsidies per student, per semester. Hire a student today and meet a high performer for the future.

Join The Employer Mentorship Series

Participate in a new mentorship series designed to provide a small group of employers with best practices and latest insights from leading experts on recruitment, retention and workplace culture.

Build Your Team Through CareersNOW! 
Job Fairs

Take the pressure off finding qualified jobseekers by participating in one, or several of the CareersNOW! virtual job fairs. You provide us with your open positions and company assets, and we make certain jobseekers attend the event so that you can meet with prospective candidates.