Making Access to Qualified Jobseekers and Skilled Students Easy

CareersNOW! is Food and Beverage Ontario’s flagship workforce development initiative for Ontario’s food and beverage processors. As a growing industry — that is also the largest manufacturing sector employer in the province — it can be challenging to recruit and retain qualified people. We’re here to help you meet your employment goals.

Wondering where to begin? Check out our employer guide for a quick overview of the resources and events you can access as a CareersNOW! Employer.

Build Your Team Through CareersNOW! 
Job Fairs

Take the pressure off finding qualified jobseekers by participating in one, or several of the CareersNOW! virtual job fairs. You provide us with your open positions and company assets, and we commit to attracting on average 200 jobseekers to the event.

Post a Job

Post your open positions through CareersNOW! partners and gain exposure to thousands of jobseekers through the CareersNOW! marketing campaign that’s reaching jobseekers through out-of-home-advertising, including on public transportation and social media. Seize this incredible opportunity to not only showcase your open roles but also elevate your company’s profile as a top employer.

Employers receive a 20% discount on unlimited job postings. Your job openings will appear on the CareersNOW!  Browse Jobs webpage as well as a number of partner job boards for maximum exposure!

Hire A Post-Secondary Student and Access Wage Subsidies 

Interested in introducing young talent to your business? College and university students bring their enthusiasm and their specific skills sets to your operation for one, or multiple, co-op or internship semesters. As a hiring employer, your company is also eligible to receive up to $7,000 in wage subsidies per student, per semester. Hire a student today and meet a high performer for the future.

View Employer Mentorship Sessions & Join Upcoming Webinars

Watch our latest webinars on hiring and retaining employees and register for upcoming mentorship sessions on key recruitment and HR best practices.

Upcoming Events For Businesses

Learn about upcoming industry and CareersNOW! events.